Saturday 19 April 2014

Man'o War project

I've been thinking of making navies for all my warhammer fantasy armies, those armies will sum up around 500pts and the idea is to combine them in 1000pts battles to make the game more interesting with two different races and fighting styles for player.

The fantasy armies that I have or are in the porcess of making are: Dark elves, Empire, Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins and skaven.

Down you can see all the fleet lists for each race.

Empire: Done
A squadron of three wolfships
A greatship
A wargalley

Dark Elves: Done
A black ark
A deathfortess
A squadron of doomreavers

Dwarf fleet:
A dwarf ironclad
A squadron of two dwarf monitors
A squadron of two dwarf monitors
A dwarf nautilus
A dwarf nautilus

Skaven fleet:
A doombringer
A squadron of warp raiders
A squadron of warp raiders
A squadron of warp raiders
A squadron of warp raiders

Orc fleet:
An orc hulk
A squadron of drillakillas
A squadron of drillakillas
A squadron of two bugchukkas

Chaos dwarves fleet:
A great leveller battlebarge
A squadron of hull destroyers
A squadron of two hull destroyers
A squadron of two hull destroyers

And finally the "sartosan pirtes" fleet (Bretonnia)
A bretonnian galleon
A squadron of  bretonnian corsairs
A squadron of two buccaneers

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